Psalm 139: 14-17

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well...All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious are your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!

Psalm 139: 14&17

Sunday, May 29, 2011


As I sit back and reflect on the last two days of our lives, I am in awe by the mercy of my heavenly father, my Jesus. 

We entered Joplin yesterday not knowing what to expect. As we began to make our way around town what we witnessed is indescribable, impossible to wrap our heads around-utter devastation, complete pulverization, something I have never in my life experienced. As Galen puts it: a dichotomy, people who lost everything, and I mean everything...words cannot even begin to describe the scene, continued pressing forward, persevering, diligently working undistracted and with complete devotion to strangers, neighbors, co-workers, brothers and sisters in Christ, amidst a magnitude of loss, so vulnerable. It was an amazing sight to bear witness to, compassion at its best, as I've never witnessed before. 

Oh yes the Lord is stirring our hearts and surely He is with and amongst us, but how do we even begin to wrap our heads around His mercy in our lives and the horrific devastation. Yes we can count our blessings; yes, we can hold loved ones tighter, but it doesn't even begin to compare to the mercy He has extended to us. They are new every morning; but when you survey the vast damage and almost irreplaceable loss in Joplin, it is difficult to find His mercies. Peoples lives torn apart, literally, by an EF5 tornado, 1/3 of the town gone, homes lost, children missing, lives lost...where is He is in all this? Where? He is everywhere...He is in the rescue dogs whose paws were chaffed and ripped raw from searching, He can be seen in every parking lot, on every corner, handing out water, chainsaws sharpening, every pile of rubble, every wall left standing with an X on it,...everywhere. It is absolutely heart wrenching to see all the devastation, but on the other hand, I am in awe of the people who are out there being Jesus with skin on...amazed. Please don't misunderstand me, I cannot even pretend to understand what the people of Joplin are going through, nor do I want to diminish the magnitude of is complete devastation, COMPLETE! But yet the people of Joplin pulled together, the people of Christ have come to help, witness, support, and offer their compassion and services to those who have lost so much. 

Mercy is defined as "compassionate or kindly forbearancecompassion, benevolence; the disposition to be compassionate or forbearing" This is witnessed everywhere you look in Joplin. When I looked out at bareness, starkness, and eeriness left in the aftermath of this natural disaster I found it difficult to see hope or mercy. But it was there, among the lost and broken. There is hope; what would I do if I were among the many who suffered so much loss, I do not know. I can only cling to the one truth I know to be true in my life and that is Jesus Christ. So what if I am made a fool of, He is my rock, I trust in His mercies and His people. 

My heart is aching for the people of Joplin, for my family, for my friends, for those who have lost everything; it just aches. Cry out to Him, cry out to the one who loves unconditionally, who bestows mercy unconditionally, who longs for your eyes to be fixed on Him. He is able to take your pain, your anger, your questions, your doubts. His mercy was displayed on the cross, and yes it can be witnessed in Joplin, MO. My eyes are opened, my ears opened, and my heart to the One who can bear all, to the One who wants to bring restoration and bestow His mercies to the lost, hurt, broken, confused, angry, and scared. God bless Joplin, be a refuge and shelter to those who suffer. 


Sunday, May 22, 2011


We encountered very scary news tonight. We received a phone call around 6 pm from my brother in law reporting they had a tornado rip through Galen's hometown. No one had been able to make contact with my mother in law, nor were they able to get to her home. The tornado had ripped the hospital near her home to shreds and leveled the entire surrounding area. The pictures on The Weather Channel gave us little hope and left our hearts and minds deeply troubled. We did the only thing we thought we could do. We fell to our knees and began to pray. We cried out to God. He was our refuge tonight and the only one we ran to. Psalm 9: 9 states: The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. We took refuge in Him. We passed the request on to the prayer warriors in our lives. He heard our cries and answered prayers. His mother was safe and was able to make contact with us at about 8 pm. Her home, somehow, miraculously was unscathed, and she wasn't home when it hit. Galen's friends lost their car and were in Wal-Mart when it collapsed, but are safe. They are shaken but safe. These are just 2 stories from this devastation. There will certainly be more, but He is sovereign. He will stand above all, He will be our refuge when we reach to Him. And so now we will do the only thing we know to do, praise Him. My Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Had the story ended differently, He still would've been the same today and tomorrow as He was yesterday. His love is never changing, He is never changing,  He is always sovereign. We will rest in His sovereignty and hand of protection. Psalm 59: 16 But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. We will continue to cry out to him to restore all that was lost in Joplin, MO on this now historical day for the city.   We rest in Him, we trust Him to restore and redeem. 


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Love Story

Seven years ago I was a single mommy of two wonderful boys, an infant and a 4 year old. Each night I cried out to the Lord to write a beautiful love story over my life. I was blessed in so many ways,  depending on Him for his provision and protection over my family and our situation, but I desperately desired a godly husband. One night as I spent time alone with Him, seeking and searching Him, (something that has happened less often, with regret, as time has past) I realized He was already writing my love story, a love story of salvation and redemption. His constant pursuit of my heart and my unabandoned worship of Him wrote My Love Story. With spirit led fingers and heart My Love Story was formed.

My Love Story

I am Chosen by the Most High.
In His peace and salvation I lie.
I am His dearly beloved,
Into His chambers I'm led.
I am not ashamed; I am who I am,
I am a princess, a daughter of the Royal King.
Praises of only Him I will sing.
I am an heir of the Promised Land,
Because of His mercy and grace I freely stand.
I am His heart's desire,
Of me, He will never tire.
I am the apple of His eye,
His great delight.
I am free; from me all evil will flee, when in me, My Heavenly Father, they will see.
It is within His sweet embrace, I see His glorious face.
Beneath His wings, refuge and restoration He brings.
How unique is each one's love story, narrated to declare His glory.
Written by: Lucinda

Cheesy, maybe; silly, maybe; perfectly written, probably not; spirit filled, definitely. I believe it was what He wanted me to know about myself and my love story that night so many years ago. I do not know where you are tonight or what you might be facing or even how you happened upon my blog, but I pray these words will help you see who you are in His eyes and help you find your own love story. I hope you take a moment to reflect on His love and know, no matter where you are, no matter how deep you are sinking, there is nothing that can separate us from His love, no deed too dirty, no sin to horrific which His blood and grace cannot cover. He pursues us wholly, each and everyone of us. His love is redeeming and unending.


Monday, May 2, 2011

My first time

So after becoming a tweeter today I decided it was time to go for my far off in the future, when this changes or that happens, dream of blogging. So if you are reading this, I apologize, for it will probably be a bit of a let down. But hey, I am on and I am doing it. Sometimes, you just need to step out of that comfort zone and follow a dream, or in my case, more of a desire to share life. As time goes on, and I get better at blogging, I pray it will touch the lives of many or even just one. I also plan to share life with you and use this as a documentary of our lives, men3boyz. I plan to use my blog spot as a testimony for the work God is doing in my life and the lives of my family. So happy following and may the joy of our Lord and Savior be with you. Blessings.